Contact Customer Service

Any comments or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time.

( ) We ask that you give as much information as possible to allow us to locate your Membership details as fast as possible. All models are at least 18 years of age!! We review all comments and concerns will be handle accordingly in within 7 business days.

Trade Name: Hakeem Movies

City: Detroit

State: Michigan

Country: USA

If you are having problems with our website(s), videos, or any of our features, please provide the exact URL of the problem/error, any errors you are getting, and any detailed information you can give.  The more detailed information you provide, the more it will help us in finding a solution…

If you have misplaced your Account Details, or you’d like to CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION and not to be billed again, please contact me by email.

( or contact CCBill at ( via live chat, phone
1.888.596.9279 email at